The dreams I had

Feels like my life is a dream and when I dream it feels more real then this, right now. And then the morning comes and takes it all away. Again. We believe, we live, we try our best to succseed. We venture. We love and we fail. Again and again.

Our hopes and desires are bigger then ever, right now. It’s giving us the power to push harder and try our best to get to the end of this journey called life. We’re not ever giving up. Till our dream is over and we slumber into the abyss of eternal darkness, cold and eternity.

We dare to overlook things though our shells are so bright and hard. We are careless and our vision is blurred and deranged. We try to be someone they will love and care about. But they don’t. We try and we fail, again and again. Trying to follow the dream we saw last night. To capture those feelings and all the lost souls in our hearts, that we cannot redeem for nothing on this earth will. It’s a dream. You will have to wake up f

rom it eventually. And nothing can stop that.Those are the memories and lost discissions of our past and present. Yet the present has gone already as I write these words. Live further. Leave your mind behind, open your eyes, open your soul. And live the dream that you want to follow and see tonight. It’s your dream and noone can wake you up from it. Unless you are already awake.December
